Increase testosterone with Isochronic Tones!

Yo sedfiters!

I found this video accidentally this morning.

It seems that you can moderately boost your testosterone production by listening to those frequencies for a certain amount of time.

I'm still very sceptical about it, but i will give it a try and let you know!

Here is an example, but you could find lot more on youtube.

Complete guide on boosting testosterone.

Metabolic Flexibility explained.

There are three mains source of fuel for our body ( for ours body cells to be more specific)

  • Fat
  • Carbohydrates
  • Proteins
Since proteins are used by the body in cases of extremely calories defect ( not enough amino-acids for more important vital functions ), we use mainly fat and carbohydrates for energy.

But what is metabolic flexibility ?
Basically is the ability of our body to switch between carbs and fats and vice-versa.
So this is what happens:
  • When we ingest carbohydrate, metabolic flexibility helps us control blood glucose, by burning glucose instead of fat
  • When we ingest fat without carbohydrate, met flex helps us burn the fat instead of storing it.
  • When we fast (and everyone “fasts” while they sleep), met flex helps us burn the fat stored on our butt, instead of becoming hungry for sugar or going catabolic.
  • When we exercise, met flex lets us burn more stored fat and produce more energy at all levels of effort. We can run faster, jump higher, move more weight, and go longer on less food before we “hit the wall.” 

Sadly, with a sedentary life of a bad diet, the metabolic flexibility might be impaired, this means that we are not switching between energy source as we should:

  • We have higher and more rapid blood sugar spikes and crashes. We all know this is unhealthy—but it also makes us more dependent on stimulants and bready, sugary snacks to maintain our mood, our attention span, and our ability to stay awake after meals.
  • A continual demand for glucose at rest means we will become hungry much sooner after eating. Specifically, we become hungry for sugar and carbohydrate in order to “keep our energy up”
  • Then, if we manage to ignore these hunger signals through willpower, our body is likely to reduce our energy expenditure in response, making us feel tired and listless, and making weight loss even more laborious. (At extremes, this can manifest itself as poor cold tolerance, and other signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.)
  • Consequently, intermittent fasting and heavy caloric restriction are likely to be both difficult and unsuccessful for the metabolically inflexible.
Impaired fat oxidation contributes to insulin resistance, and a consequent inability to increase or diminish glucose oxidation.

How all this is going to improve our diet?

If our goal is fat-loss, then it could be a very good idea to optimize our metabolic flexibility in order to have better results in less time.
Moderate exercise can restore your ability to oxidize fat. Fat loss can restore your ability to absorb and oxidize glucose.
HIIT training could be a good choice.

Intermittent fasting could restore the cells ability to oxidize fat.

Low carbs diet could lead to a better insulin sensitivity.

Building muscles will enlarge the space for glycogen so we've got less probabilities to store glucose as fat.

Cold showers increase testosterone levels

Yo sedfiters!

Cold showers are a huge allied of our testosterone production, let me explain why...

First of all, ours testicles work at best at a certain temperature, which is lower than our body temperature ( yes, that's why they are placed in a exterior position ).

It's proved that a cold shower will spike your testosterone levels because it's going to bring the temperature of your body to an ideal value for T production.

That's not the only benefit of cold showers:

  • Improved blood circulation
  • Improved mood
  • Increased immune strength
  • Metabolic advantages ( increase )
  • Better breathing
Cold showers might be hard the first times, but don't panic, focus on your breath and let the benefit of cold water on your body take place.

Do not exaggerate, in fact, too cold water may inhibit the T production, so focus on a moderate cold shower of 10 minutes every day! 

Simple routine for forward head posture

Yo sedfiters!

Here's my simple two days routine for fixing a bad forward head posture.

Here are the main causes for a forward head posture:
  • Sitting at computer for a way too long period
  • Focusing too much on the front upper body in the gym ( chest, biceps....)
  • Driving a lot

Forward head it's not only esthetically bad too see but it's also very bad for our shoulders and neck.

So this is a very basic routine that will help a lot to fix this common problem.

WARNING!! This is MY PERSONAL routine, so use your own judgment to adjust 
it at your own needs ( less sets / more reps / more time ).

Two days a week is enough to fix the problem.

Day A:

 Day B:

That is for the workout.

The rest of the days you could perform some daily chest stretch.

How much protein I have to eat to build muscles?

It's all about the protein baby. 
Yes, proteins are the brick of the muscle and if you...blablabla we all know that part, but let's talk about  less common facts but very important for our gains.

  •  Eating excessive amounts of protein overloads your liver, allowing ammonia and other toxic substances to build up in your bloodstream. This leads to hepatic encephalopathy, a condition highly linked to a decline in brain, nervous, and hormone system function.

  •   Some believe that your should scatter your protein intake thorough your day so you can absorb it all. However this study found out that it didn’t matter in terms of protein synthesis or muscle degradation if you ate all of your daily protein in one meal, or in four meals. (this debunks the myths of maximal protein absorption, and once again points home for intermittent fasting).

  •   In this study the researchers found out that diet high in protein and fiber decreased testosterone levels and higher cortisol (food for thought as testosterone is the number one hormone for people lifting weights).

  •   People who have high levels of testosterone and growth hormone can also utilize much more protein than people who don’t, as HGH and T will both increase protein synthesis in the muscle.

  •   People under high stress (high cortisol) can’t utilize protein that well as their bodies are constantly in this catabolic state, which means that a huge portion of protein consumed under stress will never be used by your muscles.

But then, how much should be the ideal daily intake of proteins?

Well, it depends...
  • On how much lean mass you have to maintain
  • Your age
  • Are you lifting ?
  • Your testosterone level   
So guys, it's really less than what bodybuilding famous magazines and site tell you to eat.

Wait a moment, they sell protein supplements as well, and they care more about YOUR health than their income. Sure.

So don't fall in the trap of eating too much proteins, as a rule of thumb, you should eat between, 90-130g of protein daily.    

6 steps to attract women with RSD Tyler and Elliott Hulse!

Yo Sedfiters!!

I've been following those guys for so many years and this morning I found them! together ! in the same video!

In the case you don't know them, Tyler RSD, aka Owen is a pickup artist, founder of Real Social Dynamics, and he is basically one of the most influent PUA of today.

Elliott is a really influent  youtuber, he is offering his knowledge on many topics around fitness, bodybuilding and health.

In this video Tyler explains 6 basic mindsets to put you in state when you are gaming!

  1. Approach All
  2. Minimize time in between social interactions
  3. Never judge yourself
  4. Find something funny about it
  5. Keep it short if you're not in a great mood
  6. burn it to the ground if you are

Drink creatine with HOT WATER!

Yo sedfiters!

Here's an interesting experiment video I found.

Since monohydrated creatine
is better absorbed when properly diluted in water, it might be a good idea to drink it with HOT water!

Here's the experiment that shows that creatine dissolve faster in hot water!

So add that creatine to your tea or coffe folks!

Fasting enhances Growth Hormone.

Growth hormone (GH) is a small protein that is made by the pituitary gland and secreted into the bloodstream. GH production is controlled by a complex set of hormones produced in the hypothalamus of the brain, in the intestinal tract ( ghrelin ) and pancreas.

We all know the benefits of growth hormone when it comes to build muscle.It boosts protein production, promotes the utilization of fat, interferes with the action of insulin, and raises blood sugar levels and it also raises levels of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1), another hormone that boosts protein production.

Interesting huh? But how we can enhance the production of this hormone for more gains in the gym? Fasting is the answer.

Don't be scared, we are talking about small periods of fasting.

It has been proved by an experiment on 6 males, that fasting enhances GH, more details here

But how to introduce fasting into our daily diet?
Since fasting means not eating, we all fast at least once, and it's during the night.
In fact GH is secreted during the sleep time, but it's not enough.
In order to benefit of this hormone we are going to delay the hour of ours first meal, having this way, more time to fast in the morning.

For example, let's say we are going to have our first meal at 1:00pm and we had or last meal at 10:00am, then we made 15 hours of fasting!

That's enough to enhance GH secretion, and burn fat as well!

So happy fasting to everyone!

Overtraining, know your enemy and beat him!

If you are someone like me that likes to reach exhaustion every day, then this article might be for you.

Overtraining is a physical, behavioral, and emotional condition that occurs when the volume and intensity of an individual's exercise exceeds their recovery capacity. They cease making progress, and can even begin to lose strength and fitness. Overtraining is a common problem in weight training, but it can also be experienced by runners and other athletes.
We have to first understand the difference between Overtraining and Overreaching. 
  • Overreaching is a short-term decline in performance that can be recovered from in several days.
  • Overtraining occurs when it takes weeks or months to recover. This is actually an extremely rare occurrence—as long as nutrition and supplementation are adequate.
Overreaching is our friend, if we want to grow up muscles we have to break down those muscle fibers and then have the proper time to recover.
Overtraining at the other side can be a serious barrier to our goals, lets see how to fight it....
There are two types of overtrain, muscular and cns overtrain. (CNS stands for
Central nervous system )

Muscular Overtrain

Basically when we don't let the proper time to our muscles to recover. This problem is easy to overcome.
  •  Sleep at least 7-8 hours
  • Let muscles group the proper time to recover before training them again around 24-48h
  • Maintain a proper nutrition and supplementation

CNS Overtrain

Central nervous system overtraining is a more serius issue. It doesn't just impact the quads, chest, or back, but rather the entire body. Your CNS is responsible for generating muscular contractions in all types of training, so when you stack workout upon workout, eventually it can tire out.

What happens is that the brain respond to mental and body fatigue (in order to give enough resources to our brain) with stress, that basically means cortisol release.
Cortisol, known more formally as hydrocortisone , is a steroid hormone, more specifically a glucocorticoid, produced by the zona fasciculata of the adrenal cortex.It is released in response to stress and a low level of bloodglucocorticoids. Its primary functions are to increase blood sugar through gluconeogenesis; suppress the immune system; and aid in fat, protein and carbohydrate metabolism. It also decreases bone formation. Various synthetic forms of cortisol are used to treat a variety of diseases. cit. Wikipedia.
The main problem with cortisol is that it's an hormone that inhibits protein synthesis ( muscle growth ) and others important body functions like the immune system.

Prolonged cortisol secretion (which may be due to chronic stress) results in significant physiological changes, you may want consider talk to a doctor.

For those reasons we feel sore, weak and we can't grow muscles up.

We have to find the right balance between training and rest, to do so, lets analyse some stress signs that we should know:

Stress Warning Signs and Symptoms
Cognitive SymptomsEmotional Symptoms
  • Memory problems
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Poor judgment
  • Seeing only the negative
  • Anxious or racing thoughts
  • Constant worrying
  • Moodiness
  • Irritability or short temper
  • Agitation, inability to relax
  • Feeling overwhelmed
  • Sense of loneliness and isolation
  • Depression or general unhappiness
Physical SymptomsBehavioral Symptoms
  • Aches and pains
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Nausea, dizziness
  • Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
  • Loss of sex drive
  • Frequent colds
  • Eating more or less
  • Sleeping too much or too little
  • Isolating yourself from others
  • Procrastinating or neglecting responsibilities
  • Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
  • Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
For more info about stress signs:
Lets make clear that it's not only the training part that cause CNS overtrain, but also the lifestyle.
Any type of everyday problem can produce stress (financial, bad habits, sentimental etc etc...).

There are a lot of resources on the net to fix those problems, make sure to find a solution before hitting the gym too hard.

A quick solution may be meditation:

This is a good howto on it

How to boost testosterone! ( Naturally )

Yo sedfiters,
Here is a quick reference in how to boot testosterone naturally from my experience and knowledge.
  • Vitamin D
  • Exercise
  • Do more sex
  • Abstinence from masturbation for one week ( peek at day 7 )
  • Being around a hot women
  • Smelling a fertile women
  • After watching your football ( or any sport) team winning
  • After winning a competition against someone
  • Being around a female surrounded by others males
  • Assuming certain types of body-language